Friday, November 02, 2007

8 days of public rating left

Only 8 days left to rate Writer's Block. we need to be in the top 25 to even have a chance at winning. if you haven't rated please do soon. and have everyone you know rate it.

to rate it go here
you'll see this on the right side.

If you see login required like in the image, you need to log in before you can rate it.

it'll ask you to login with your apple id. if you don't have a apple id you can create one by clicking 'create an account now'
once you're logged in with your apple id. it will take you to a rating registration thing.
You only have to fill in the fields with an *

once you're fully logged in, make your way back to the Writer's Block page and then you can rate it 4 stars and click the arrow next to it to enter the rating in.

if you're wanting more info about the film take a look at my original post.

if you're searching for our film using the galleries search field, ours is the one made by 'new generation entertainment'

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