Wednesday, January 30, 2008

08 Primaries are coming up.

i posted about the election coming up a few months ago link

if you've been paying attention to what has been going on lately the value of our dollar is going down, they keep having to raise the federal debt ceiling, as a country we're in a whole lot of debt. take as look at the debt clock(tip: refresh the page a few times and watch how fast it increases)
i don't know about you, but i can't afford to pay that, but somebody has to, and it's the next generations shoulders that it's going to fall onto.

if something doesn't change in the way our country is run things aren't going to keep going, just like how your car wont run without fuel, how can a nation run on a negative bank balance.

i've been watching videos and reading things around the web about the candidates that are running. allot of them talk about things needing to change. but do any of them actually have a plan on how to make a real positive change? i've only heard one so far.

i'm voting for Ron Paul.

here's some info on him: take a look at his statement of faith. his official site, learn about him, read his stance on issues.
and search google for him, there are videos everywhere on youtube and the like.


also i want to say, we seriously need to be praying hard about this election and our country, something has to change.
things are going downhill really fast. i'm not trying to discourage you or inspire fear, we need to not fear, we need to put our trust in God. and i mean this for real, we need to come to God at the beginning of each day and ask what we're supposed to do today. the only way things are going to really change is if each individual gets serious about following God. it has to happen in your heart. there is no place for laid back christianity, it's time to go full out for God, we are His body on this planet, we need to be connected to the Head(God) and we need to carry out the instructions immediately.
can you imagine how long it would take something done if every time your brain told part of your body to do something you had to wait for that part to get around to it, to decide if the instruction is really what they should do, if that instruction was really from the brain. nothing would ever get done.
and yet this is how most of us operate in our walk with God.
and then we turn around and ask why things aren't changing, why we aren't reaching the world, and wonder when Jesus will come back.
we as a body have a job to do, and until we wake up and do what we're supposed to do how can we expect to move to the next step.

don't be discouraged, be encouraged, our Dad loves every one of us so much, start spending time with Him, develop a deep relationship with Him. you'll find that when you're absolutely in love with Him that the things He asks you to do will be a joy to do.
as a body we need to have a heart that is so close and so in tune with His that we have the same heartbeat, the same passions and desires flowing through us.

this is how we will change the world.

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