Sunday, February 27, 2005

...After the first train ended a Second freight train started going past in the other direction. also featuring some quality graffitti. (stuff like this is why i want that better camera) i really wish i could capture shots how i want them instead of how my camera makes them. oh well, at least i do have a digital camera and even though i'm limited by it i can still get some great shots out of it. waiting impatiantly for the day when i'm not limited so much by the camera.
Getting back to my topic.... i'm begining to feel the frieght trains conspire against me. i mean geez two seprate trains but not even at the same time to be efficiant no there was a 30 second gap between them. so hope builds up that you're free and the gates are going to rise and let you go......then........rumble rumble......second train.

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