Sunday, February 27, 2005

it's sunday night. the close of another week is once again here. and once again i didn't really do anything usefull this weekend (sorry uncle tom)
ok well i did sign up for a couple of my classes, still have to sign up for one more which is getting really difficult cause i waited to long and all the classes are filling up. oh well.

this picture is of the storyboard i created for my 3D animation class. i really need to get to work on that.
also stuff for after effects, digital audio, and drawing, i have so much to work on.......why am i just sitting here with no motivation to work on it? have i lost my vision for my ideas? how do i re excite myself so i can complete these pieces?
at the end of these classes i'm really hoping i'll have a few things that i'll be personally proud of, and want to show to everyone. time is running short we'll see how it goes.

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